Super Walnuts!

Super Walnuts!

Looking for a new “Super Food” Try Walnuts! Walnuts are considered as a power food since they are believed to improve body stamina and lift our spirits. 

September is a month of new beginnings and as a result it is easy for us to get run down and overwhelmed with all that we have going on. We need to power up with the right food!

An ounce of walnuts has four grams of protein, which fills you up and helps keep blood-sugar levels steady and two grams of fiber, which also helps fill you up, plus it's a good source of magnesium. High levels of magnesium have been linked to reduced symptoms of depression.

Here are some fun facts about walnuts. Walnut trees have been known to mankind since 7000 B.C. Two-thirds of the world’s walnut are produced in California. There are 4 grams of protein in one ounce of of walnuts. Some of the minerals that are rich in walnuts include, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper.

Walnuts also contain cell- protecting antioxidants and are low in carbohydrates which means they wont cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin. Most of us find ourselves crashing around 3pm in the afternoon and often look to grab a sugar treat to give us that high back. Try grabbing a handful of walnuts instead and you will feel fuller and happier.